Base maps : Brazil 2016
All Brazil, by major regions and by Federation units (States)
Territorial division 2016 compatible with the Agropastoral Census 2017
Layers : Communes (municípios), micro-regions, meso-regions, units of the Federation (States), great regions
Source : Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, IBGE - Municipal digital mesh :
Agropastoral Census Statistics 2017 :
Territorial Division of Brazil :

Todo o Brasil, por grandes regiões e por unidades da Federação (Estados)
Divisão Territorial 2016 compatível com o Censo Agropastoral de 2017
Calcos : Municípios, micro-regiões, meso-regiões, unidades da Federação (Estados), grandes regiões
Source : Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, IBGE - Malha municipal digital :
Estatísticas do Censo Agropastoral 2017 :
Divisão Territorial do Brasil :
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Brazil, Regions and States    
Button Text Brazil
Button Text 1. Northern Region
Button Text 11. Rondônia
Button Text 12. Acre
Button Text 13. Amazonas
Button Text 14. Roraima
Button Text 15. Pará
Button Text 16. Amapá
Button Text 17. Tocantins
Button Text 2. North-Eastern Region
Button Text 21. Maranhão
Button Text 22. Piauí
Button Text 23. Ceará
Button Text 24. Rio Grande do Norte
Button Text 25. Paraíba
Button Text 26. Pernambuco
Button Text 27. Alagoas
Button Text 28. Sergipe
Button Text 29. Bahia
3. South-Eastern Region Button Text
31. Minas Gerais Button Text
32. Espírito Santo Button Text
33. Rio de Janeiro Button Text
35. São Paulo Button Text
4. Southern Region  Button Text
41. Paraná Button Text
42. Santa Catarina Button Text
43. Rio Grande do Sul Button Text
5. Center-Western Region Button Text
50. Mato Grosso do Sul Button Text
51. Mato Grosso Button Text
52+53. Goiás + Distrito Federal Button Text
These base maps are intended to represent statistical data and only for that.
No guarantee is given concerning the precision of the contours of the statistical and administrative entities, the location of the towns,
scale, international borders, etc. You are not authorized to redistribute copies of the downloadable files on this page.

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